Special Terms for U.S. CitizensGeneral Provisions: This section "Special Terms for U.S. Citizens" is intended for all U.S. citizens and residents who wish to use the services of the Asquids platform. In case of any discrepancies between the general terms of use and this section, the provisions of this section will prevail.
Restrictions for U.S. Citizens: Be advised that all U.S. citizens and residents are restricted from using the services of the Asquids platform. This restriction applies to all U.S. inhabitants, regardless of their place of residence.
Registration Requirements: If you are a U.S. citizen or resident and, despite the above restriction, attempt to register on the platform, you must meet the following requirements:
- You must be an individual, corporation, legal entity, or another organization residing in a place where Services are available.
- You must be at least 18 years old if you are an individual.
- You must have the legal capacity to enter into contractual agreements and not be under any legal constraints related to using similar services.
Changes and Updates: Asquids reserves the right to modify or supplement this policy regarding U.S. citizens at any time without prior notice.
Please note that this Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and such variations may be applicable to you. For further inquiries or complaints in relation to our handling of your Personal Data or our Privacy Policy or if you wish to access, update or amend your Personal Data as mentioned above please contact us at